
 if (rf.Mappers != null && dictionaryUrl.ContainsKey("_mapperType") && rf.Mappers.ContainsKey(dictionaryUrl["_mapperType"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rf.Mappers[dictionaryUrl["_mapperType"].ToString()].ColumnAlias))
                dictionaryUrl[_columnAliasKey] = rf.Mappers[dictionaryUrl["_mapperType"].ToString()].ColumnAlias;
                // 使用相同继承方式
                if (rf.Mappers.ContainsKey(dictionaryUrl[_columnAliasKey].ToString()))
                    dictionaryUrl[_columnAliasKey] = rf.Mappers[dictionaryUrl[_columnAliasKey].ToString()].ColumnAlias;

_mapperType columnAlias need mappers

    "manager": {
      "showExtand": "{geography},null lng_lat",
      "bridgeColumnExtand": "lng_lat,workshop,factory_user",
      "originalExtand": "0.0 lng,0.0 lat",
      // #region 开启扩展入库配置
      "saveSqlExtand": true,
      // #endregion 开启扩展入库配置
      "guidMethod": "None",
      "dataFromType": "Database",
      "extend": "basis",
      "original": "'' workshop,'' factory_user,is_enabled",
      "auth": true,
      "viewCountClosed": false,
      "fieldChild": {},
      "mapperType": {
        // true 开启强制外部的
        "replaces": false,
        // key 对应角色id,如果包含,_mapperType=值,如果外部传递,使用外部的
        // value 对应 op-eq值
        "mappers": [
            "key": "111",
            "value": "",
            "sortId": 1,
            //关联对象类型, type 1=角色权限,2=用户增加特殊权限,3=用户减少的特殊权限,4=单位权限 5 职位
            "type": null
      // cpc_product_task  status 0 待分配/待接收  1 进行中  2 已完工 3 已延期 4 已暂停 5 已关闭 6 已拒绝 
      // cpc_product_task_user  status  0 待接收 6 已拒绝 7 已接收
      // cpc_product_task_user  user_type 0 未知 1 管理员 2 法人 3 员工 4 会计 5 财务 6 采购员 7 生产员 8 班组 9 厂长 10 仓管 11 供应商 12 客户 13 派单员 14 上报员 15 总部职员 16 总部领导 17 总部派单员 18 总部仓管
      "wheres": [
        "{where_sql} ",
        //注意 and 前面必须有空格,否则where条件可能被过滤
        // #region 添加不存在用户过滤
        " and ( ",
        "create_user_id<>@_userId ",
        "and fact_id not in (select factory_id from cpc_ws_factory_user where user_id=@_userId)",
        ") ",
        // #endregion 
        // #region 获取我的下达权限工厂 13 派单员,9 工厂  启用 审核通过
        " and (",
        "fact_id in (select factory_id from cpc_ws_factory_user where user_id=@_userId and is_enabled=1 and audit_status=1 and user_type in (13,9,17,18))",
        " or '4059455233548357632' in @_roleId",
        // #endregion 
        // #region  工厂管理 (平台工厂管理员4059455233548357632\厂长9\管理员1) 
        " and ((fact_id in (select factory_id from cpc_ws_factory_user where user_id=@_userId and user_type in (1,9,17)))",
        " or ('4059455233548357632' in @_roleId))",
        // #endregion 
        // #region  我的申请待审核的 状态为未审核的
        " and fact_id in (select factory_id from cpc_ws_factory_user where user_id=@_userId and audit_status=0)",
        // #endregion  我的申请待审核的
        // #region  我加入审核通过或自建的工厂 
        " and (create_user_id=@_userId or fact_id in (select factory_id from cpc_ws_factory_user where user_id=@_userId and audit_status=1))",
        // #endregion  我加入审核通过或自建的工厂
        // #region  被打回的工厂
        " and fact_id in (select factory_id from cpc_ws_factory_user where user_id=@_userId and audit_status=2)",
        // #endregion  被打回的工厂
      "mappers": {
        "default": {
          "columnAlias": "create_user_id,fact_id,fact_name,user_count,audit_status,tags"
        // 我的申请待审核的
        "10": {
          "need":"", // 必传参数
          "columnAlias": "default"
        // 我加入审核通过或自建的工厂
        "11": {
          "columnAlias": "default"
        // 被打回的工厂
        "12": {
          "columnAlias": "default"
        // 工厂管理
        "3": {
          "columnAlias": "default"

            if (rf.Mappers != null && dictionaryUrl.ContainsKey("_mapperType") && rf.Mappers.ContainsKey(dictionaryUrl["_mapperType"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rf.Mappers[dictionaryUrl["_mapperType"].ToString()].ColumnAlias))
                dictionaryUrl["_columnAlias"] = rf.Mappers[dictionaryUrl["_mapperType"].ToString()].ColumnAlias;
            if (dictionaryUrl.ContainsKey("_columnAlias") && !ValidateUtil.IsNullOrEmptyOrDbNull(dictionaryUrl[_columnAliasKey]))
                var _columns = $",{dictionaryUrl[_columnAliasKey].ToString()},";
                sqlColumns = sqlColumns.Where(temp => _columns.Contains($",{temp.Alias},")).ToList();

 public void SetUsedSelectFields(SqlConfig sqlConfig, RequestModuleType rmt, Dictionary<string, object> dictionaryUrl, out Dictionary<string, string> geographySql)
            ResponseField rf = sqlConfig.ResponseFieldTemp;
            List<SqlColumn> sqlColumns = sqlConfig.ColumnsLst;
            // #region 添加使用外部要显示的列
            var _columnAliasKey = "_columnAlias";
            if (rf.Mappers != null && dictionaryUrl.ContainsKey("_mapperType") && rf.Mappers.ContainsKey(dictionaryUrl["_mapperType"].ToString()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rf.Mappers[dictionaryUrl["_mapperType"].ToString()].ColumnAlias))
                dictionaryUrl[_columnAliasKey] = rf.Mappers[dictionaryUrl["_mapperType"].ToString()].ColumnAlias;
            if (dictionaryUrl.ContainsKey(_columnAliasKey) && !ValidateUtil.IsNullOrEmptyOrDbNull(dictionaryUrl[_columnAliasKey]))
                var _columns = $",{dictionaryUrl[_columnAliasKey].ToString()},";
                sqlColumns = sqlColumns.Where(temp => _columns.Contains($",{temp.Alias},")).ToList();
            //  #endregion 添加使用外部要显示的列

            if (rf != null && rf.Field?.Params != null)
                foreach (var key in rf.Field.Params.Keys)
                    if (!dictionaryUrl.ContainsKey(key) && !key.Contains("@"))
                        dictionaryUrl[key] = rf.Field.Params[key];

            geographySql = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            SetGeographySql(sqlConfig, rmt, dictionaryUrl, geographySql, rf);


            #region  设置存在的关系表 ID ,用于下面判断列信息
            IEnumerable<SqlRelation> relations = GetUseRelation(sqlConfig, rmt);
            bool isRelation = !(relations == null || relations.Count() == 0);
            Dictionary<int?, string> dicRelation = new Dictionary<int?, string>();
            if (isRelation)
                foreach (SqlRelation temp in relations)
                    dicRelation[Convert.ToInt32(temp.TableId1)] = temp.TableId1;
                    dicRelation[Convert.ToInt32(temp.TableId2)] = temp.TableId2;

            if (rmt == RequestModuleType.Page && sqlConfig.ResponseFieldTemp.OnlySqlPage != true && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlConfig.SelectSql.PageField) || sqlConfig.SelectSql.PageField == "*") || dictionaryUrl.ContainsKey(_columnAliasKey))

                if (sqlConfig.Tables == null)
                    throw new BizException(ErrorCodeConst.MAPPER_25001.ErrorCode, $"{sqlConfig.ModuleKey}未配置tables");
                int? tableId = sqlConfig.Tables.FirstOrDefault(temp => { return temp.IsPrimary; }).Id;
                StringBuilder sbField = new StringBuilder();
                IEnumerable<SqlColumn> sqlColumnList = null;
                if (!isRelation)
                    sqlColumnList = sqlColumns.Where<SqlColumn>(temp => { return (temp.IsPrimary == true || temp.IsPage != false) && tableId == temp.TableId; });
                    sqlColumnList = sqlColumns.Where<SqlColumn>(temp => { return (temp.IsPrimary == true || temp.IsPage != false) && dicRelation.ContainsKey(temp.TableId); });

                SetSelectFields(sbField, sqlColumnList, sqlConfig, false);
                if (sbField.Length == 0)
                sqlConfig.SelectSql.PageField = sbField.ToString();
            //else if (rmt == RequestModuleType.List && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlConfig.SelectSql.List))
            //    //使用自定义的sql语句

            else if (rmt == RequestModuleType.List && sqlConfig.ResponseFieldTemp.OnlySqlList != true && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlConfig.SelectSql.ListField) || sqlConfig.SelectSql.ListField == "*") || dictionaryUrl.ContainsKey(_columnAliasKey))
                if (sqlConfig.Tables == null)
                    throw new BizException(ErrorCodeConst.MAPPER_25001.ErrorCode, $"{sqlConfig.ModuleKey}未配置tables");
                SqlTable sqlTable = sqlConfig.Tables.FirstOrDefault(temp => { return temp.IsPrimary; });
                if (sqlTable == null)
                    sqlTable = new SqlTable { IsPrimary = true };
                int? tableId = sqlConfig.Tables.FirstOrDefault(temp => { return temp.IsPrimary; }).Id;
                StringBuilder sbField = new StringBuilder();

                IEnumerable<SqlColumn> sqlColumnList = null;
                if (!isRelation)
                    sqlColumnList = sqlColumns.Where<SqlColumn>(temp => { return (temp.IsPrimary == true || temp.IsList != false) && tableId == temp.TableId; });
                    sqlColumnList = sqlColumns.Where<SqlColumn>(temp => { return (temp.IsPrimary == true || temp.IsList != false) && dicRelation.ContainsKey(temp.TableId); });
                SetSelectFields(sbField, sqlColumnList, sqlConfig, false);
                sqlConfig.SelectSql.ListField = sbField.ToString().Trim(CommonConst.COMMA);
            else if (rmt == RequestModuleType.Detail && sqlConfig.ResponseFieldTemp.OnlySqlDetail != true && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sqlConfig.SelectSql.DetailField) || sqlConfig.SelectSql.DetailField == "*") || dictionaryUrl.ContainsKey(_columnAliasKey))
                if (sqlConfig.Tables == null)
                    throw new BizException(ErrorCodeConst.MAPPER_25001.ErrorCode, $"{sqlConfig.ModuleKey}未配置tables");
                int? tableId = sqlConfig.Tables.FirstOrDefault(temp => { return temp.IsPrimary; }).Id;
                StringBuilder sbField = new StringBuilder();
                IEnumerable<SqlColumn> sqlColumnList = null;
                if (!isRelation)
                    sqlColumnList = sqlColumns.Where<SqlColumn>(temp => { return (temp.IsPrimary == true || temp.IsDetail != false) && tableId == temp.TableId; });
                    sqlColumnList = sqlColumns.Where<SqlColumn>(temp => { return (temp.IsPrimary == true || temp.IsDetail != false) && dicRelation.ContainsKey(temp.TableId); });
                SetSelectFields(sbField, sqlColumnList, sqlConfig, false);
                sqlConfig.SelectSql.DetailField = sbField.ToString().Trim(CommonConst.COMMA);

文档更新时间: 2022-08-03 10:53   作者:admin