
SET @objectId = 'usersid';
select * from ( select pop_id,menu_id,object_type,object_id,mf_id from bo_popedom where  object_id=@objectId and (object_type=2)    and checked=1  union   select pop_id,menu_id,object_type,object_id,mf_id from bo_popedom where  object_id in (select role_id from bo_user_role where user_id=@objectId) and object_type=1     and checked=1       union  select pop_id,menu_id,object_type,object_id,mf_id from bo_popedom where  object_id in (select dep_id from bo_user_dep where user_id=@objectId) and object_type=4      and checked=1      union  select pop_id,menu_id,object_type,object_id,mf_id from bo_popedom where  object_id in (select job_id from bo_user_job where user_id=@objectId) and object_type=5    and checked=1    ) t  where (concat(menu_id,mf_id)) not in (select concat(menu_id,mf_id) from bo_popedom where  object_id=@objectId and object_type=3);

文档更新时间: 2023-05-22 11:19   作者:admin