注意 distance geography
"responseField": {
// #endregion 查找带回
"view": {
// #region 计算2点之间距离
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// #endregion 计算2点之间距离
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"original": "",
"viewCountClosed": true,
"where": " {where_sql} and is_enabled=1 and audit_status=1"
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"order": " {distance},modify_date",
// #endregion 计算2点之间距离
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"primaryWhere": " {s-if:mercId}{op-neq:0} merc_id=@mercId {op-neq:0}{e-if:mercId} {s-if:mercId}{op-eq:0} is_enabled=1 and audit_status=1 {op-eq:0}{e-if:mercId}",
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// #region 计算2点之间距离
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"remark": "计算2点之间距离",
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"alias": "distance",
"isData": false,
"geography": {
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"unit": "km",
"divisor": 1000
"placeholder": "-"
// #endregion 计算2点之间距离
"geography": {
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"field": "geography",
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"title": "地理位置",
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"title": "经度",
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"colDecimal": 15
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文档更新时间: 2022-06-04 16:28 作者:admin