注意:isSearch,isData, filter、”method”: “custom”、sqlCustom
"parentName": {
"fieldSort": 9999,
"tableId": 1,
"dataType": "varchar",
"title": "上级栏目",
"remark": "用于搜索",
"guidMethod": "None",
"isRequired": true,
"isSearch": true,
"isData": false,
"editPropertie": {
"showMethod": "text"
"pagePropertie": {
"showMethod": "text"
"filter": {
"method": "custom",
"isMust": false,
//"sql": " and parent_id in (select menu_id from bo_sys_menu where menu_name like CONCAT('%',@parentName,'%'))",
//如果 sqlCustom 没找到,使用 sql sqlserver mysql oracle sqlite SqlCustom
"sqlCustom": {
"mysql": " and parent_id in (select menu_id from bo_sys_menu where menu_name like CONCAT('%',@parentName,'%'))",
"oracle": " and parent_id in (select menu_id from bo_sys_menu where menu_name like '%'||@parentName||'%')",
"sqlserver": " and parent_id in (select menu_id from bo_sys_menu where menu_name like '%'+@parentName+'%')"
"field": "parentName",
"name": "parent_name",
"alias": "parent_name",
"isDate": false,
"isPrimary": false,
"isIdentity": false,
"maxLength": 50
- responseField配置
注意:字段进行占位null parent_name
"manager": {
"show": "null parent_name ",
"bridgeColumn": "parent_names",
"extend": "basis",
//"where": "{where_sql} ",
"auth": true
- 组合完成后sql语句(mysql版本)
select null rownum,null parent_name,meta, from bo_sys_menu where parent_id in (select menu_id from bo_sys_menu where menu_name like CONCAT(‘%’,@parentName,’%’)) order by sort_id limit @limtStartIndex,@pageSize
文档更新时间: 2021-06-26 08:00 作者:admin