{ "diffTableNo": 0, "isRESTful": true, "base": { "connName": "ConnBt", "isRearEnd": true, "isFrontEnd": true }, "responseField": { //按月统计分析 "my-month": { //不使用分页拼接 SQL语句 "njcResult": { "args": [], "moduleName": "~/Config/AppNodeJs/bt-plugins/policy-statistics/my-month", "functionName": null }, "isList": true, "show": "data_alias,data_value,data_type", "selectSql": { //配合sqlList 里面 value=tempalte 使用 {tempvalue}原始 {addvalue} 加1 "templateStart": 1, "templateEnd": 12, //模板连接符号 "templateUnion": " union ", "template": [ { "value": "select null policy_item_id,'all' data_type,'{tempvalue}' data_alias,sum(tb_i.mq_price) data_value from bt_policy_status tb_s inner join bt_policy_item tb_i on (tb_i.policy_id=tb_s.policy_id) where tb_i.create_user_id=@_userId and (tb_s.status=1 or tb_s.status=0) and month(payment_date)={tempvalue} and year(payment_date)=@_currentYear", "sortId": 10 }, { "value": " union ", "sortId": 12 }, { "value": "select null policy_item_id,'dj' data_type,'{tempvalue}' data_alias,sum(tb_i.mq_price) data_value from bt_policy_status tb_s inner join bt_policy_item tb_i on (tb_i.policy_id=tb_s.policy_id) where tb_i.create_user_id=@_userId and (tb_s.status=0) and month(payment_date)={tempvalue} and year(payment_date)=@_currentYear", "sortId": 14 }, { "value": " union ", "sortId": 15 }, { "value": "select null policy_item_id,'yj' data_type,'{tempvalue}' data_alias,sum(tb_i.mq_price) data_value from bt_policy_status tb_s inner join bt_policy_item tb_i on (tb_i.policy_id=tb_s.policy_id) where tb_i.create_user_id=@_userId and (tb_s.status=1 ) and month(payment_date)={tempvalue} and year(payment_date)=@_currentYear", "sortId": 18 } ], //"page": null, //"detail": null, //"list": null, "sqlList": [ { "value": "select * from (", "sortId": 1 }, //表示从模板template里面组合后的sql获取 { "value": "template", "sortId": 10 }, { "value": ") t", "sortId": 400 } ] //, //"count": null, //"listField": "*", //"pageField": "*", //"detailField": "*" }, "guidMethod": 0, "dataFromType": 0, "original": "" //"where": "and sign_id in @_filterPrimaryIds" } }, "tables": [ { "id": 1, "name": "bt_policy_item", "isPrimary": true, "primaryColumn": [ { "colName": "policy_item_id", "alias": "policy_item_id", "field": "policyItemId" } ], "type": "Table" } ] }
- SqlSelect.cs实现代码
/// <summary>
/// 拼接组合模板里面sql语句
/// </summary>
private string templateStr
StringBuilder sbTemplate = new StringBuilder();
if (Template != null && Template.Any() && Template.Count() > 0)
foreach (var item in Template.OrderBy(temp => temp.SortId))
sbTemplate.Append($" {item.Value} ");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
int start = Convert.ToInt32(TemplateStart);
int end = Convert.ToInt32(TemplateEnd);
for (int i = start; i <= end; i++)
StringBuilder sbItem = new StringBuilder(sbTemplate.ToString());
sbItem.Replace("{tempvalue}", i.ToString());
sbItem.Replace("{addvalue}", (i + 1).ToString());
if (i != end)
return sb.ToString();
return null;
文档更新时间: 2021-06-26 08:00 作者:admin