"login-username": {
"auth": true,
"schema": false, //不显示 schema
"dimField": [ "-1" ], //不进行 维数就转换
"show": "user_id",
"need": "password,userName,verifyCode,verifyGuid,loginType",
"fieldNoRule": [ "verifySms", "verifySmsGuid", "telephone" ],
"selectSql": {
//"detail": "select user_id,real_name,'' account,'' role,'' sys,'' job,'' dep,'' area,head_icon,telephone,email from bo_user where user_id in (select user_id from bo_user_account where user_name=@userName and user_pwd=@password)",
"detail": "select user_id from bo_user where user_id in (select user_id from bo_user_account where user_name=@userName and user_pwd=@password)"
//"detail": "select tu.user_id from bo_user tu inner join bo_user_account ta on(tu.user_id=ta.user_id) where (ta.user_name=@userName or tu.telephone=@userName) and ta.user_pwd=@password"
文档更新时间: 2022-05-14 10:26 作者:admin